Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Morning Smiles

What happens when you mix a great night of sleep with a full tummy, a freshly changed diaper, two relaxed parents, and a big warm bed??

You get a very sweet, smiley little boy.

...and two very blessed, happy parents that would rather wake up exhausted at 5 am with this baby than have a million mornings to sleep in without him.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Outdoor Boy

We discovered very early that Mason really likes to be outside. Maybe it is the heat, maybe it is just how much there is to see, but whatever the reason, meltdowns melt away when we step out our back door. It is a great tool in this tired mama's arsenal. So, Mason and I did some "sun" bathing today (in the shade of course!) and I brought my new camera too.

I'm still learning the ins and outs of taking good pictures with my fancy camera. So far, I am employing the "rapid-fire" approach. I take tons of pictures and hope one or two look somewhat interesting. These pics are so-so, but the subject is as handsome as ever, and he's starting to show glimpses of his precious social smile.